Para comenzar este mes de agosto quiero acercaros a una joven cantautora caribeña a la que pienso que habrá que seguirle los pasos muy de cerca en un futuro cercano porque la chica tiene un talento natural para la música y posee una voz increible. En estos momentos está en proceso de grabación y entre tanto nos obsequia a los más avezados con sus píldoras musicales que son una gozada.
Aquí os dejo su biografía en inglés, enlaces a su página de Youtube y Myspace así como su última grabación en vídeo de una canción titulada "Caught up in your love" de Ari Hest.

Sally Greenwood is an 19 year old singer/songwriter from the Turks and Caicos Islands. Although Sally was born in England, she has lived in the Caribbean her whole life. Sally’s musical path started at the age of 13, when she was given her first guitar, and now continues music as her career. “My dad’s a drummer.” Sally says. “When I was younger I used to go to watch his bands play. I loved it. My dad was really my inspiration to pursuing music.” Completely self-taught, Sally finds all the support she needs though her family. “I’m thankful to have such a supporting family, and a musical one at that.” She exclaims. “Having a father who’s been in the music business since he was 16 is definitely a plus.” Being naturally gifted; colourfully descriptive lyrics and a passionate, soulful voice seem only to be the start. Sally records all of her music from her home on the Island of Providenciales in the Turks and Caicos and is in the middle of recording her debut album. “I love the recording process,” says Sally. “Music is a very special way of expressing myself, so being able to follow one of my songs throughout its whole transformation is simply amazing.
- Canal de Sally Greenwood en Youtube
- Sally Greenwood en Myspace
Vídeo "Caught up in your love" (Ari Hest):
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